
Music Monday XX

Sunday, September 11, 2022

9 Finger Frankie.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Hi Gang.

Today I almost cut my thumb off....again.

I'm not sure if I ever blogged about it the first time, I tried to go and see but alas I did not post a single blog in 2017 or 2018 and the first time I hacked myself was in early I guess not!

Let me take you back. There I was a new resident of Hermosa Beach, California. After spending a few too many dollars at my number one shopping establishment, Target, I came home and in an attempt to cut through the zip ties holding my cutlery hostage, the sharp knife I was using slipped and sliced directly into the base of my left thumb. 

Blood you say....pissing out of my hand.

I blacked out and came too in a pool of the stuff, staining my new kitchen floor. At the time I had been in the city like...maybe a day? I had an empty house, no friends and nary a bandage in site. 

So I did what any responsible 23 year old would do....I took a picture, posted it online for my Mum to assess, wrapped my hand in an old pillow case, propped it above my head and went to sleep.

I woke up the next day (thankfully, no bleeding out here baybeee) to a comment from my aunt, who also happened to be a nurse, informing me that ugh yeah that looked like it needed stitches. Lo and behold after a cool eight hours of sleep my hand was still bleeding but, as stubborn as ever, I was determined to not go to a doctor (I heart American Healthcare!) and instead ignored the fact that I had no feeling in my thumb, taped it to pointer finger, and kept it rocking.

Eventually....the bleeding did stop.

Cut forward 5 years.

Today I was at home, listening to a podcast, baking some apple muffins and wondering how the Queen's Corgi's were doing. It was a casual day. Dan was in the backyard suited and booted, ripping out a large bush that was covered in long prickles that were constantly getting stuck in Norman's snout.

Sir Prickle Snout.

When, in a fun throwback to my previous self, I was holding a mixing bowl on it's side to try and scrape out some batter when suddenly it slipped from my hand, immediately split in two and swiftly lodged itself into my poor, hard done-by left thumb! 

The added fun this time, is that I'm now on perma-blood thinners, so the bloody mess was even more horrific. Prickle snout was in bloody floor clean-up heaven and as I tried to shoo him away, my kitchen slowly filling with blood, it quite literally looked like I had massacred someone.

 As I am now a much more sensible 29 year old, and living in a country with far more affordable healthcare! We did elect to go to the emergency room buuuuuut the wait ended up being way too long so I convinced myself that actually, maybe stitches are beneath me and we went right on home again.

I was supposed to go to see We will Rock you with my family tonight, but instead I ended up, for the second time in my life, snuggled in my bed with my arm propped above my head willing the blood to stop pouring out of my poor left thumb!

The bright side is the stinging in my thumb temporarily took my mind off my excruciatingly sore shoulder that I woke up with many weeks ago whilst on a girls trip to Sydney. 

A natural photo of me in Sydney....wondering if it's possible to self amputate your arm. 

Anyway, sure it's nothing.

Or it's everything and I will be dead soon.

It's been nice knowing you world, and Syd was still fun, life threatening arm pain be gone.


(Doesn't that sound like it should mean goodbye? lol)